Tuesday, 2 July 2019

On Mean Girls and Keyboard Warriors

So, Tattlelife.com vs PTWM


I don’t usually comment on other people’s blogs or affairs because let’s face it- my blog isn’t all that big and is only interesting to the people that know me.

 The people that do know me know that my biggest hatred is bullying. Anyone that bully’s is a cunt. Plain as. I was bullied horribly in high school and it really shaped how I viewed myself for a long time and made me miserable as fuck. Obvs I’ve grown up and got some lady balls now so don’t give a flying fuck about anyone’s opinions but my loved ones. Not everyone is like that, not everyone has a platform to fight back with or a way to articulate a defence. So it’s down to the people who can to knock that shit on the head rather than buy into it for the sake of entertainment at someone else’s expense.

 This week it all blew up between tattlelife (sun newspaper style gossip bitchfest) and Part Time Working Mummy- a blogger I’ve been lucky enough to chat with on many occasions and someone who gives a huge amount of her time to helping others less fortunate.

 The basis of the drama was some anonymous person claimed to have proof of misuse of a go fund me account. The discussion then degenerated into mudslinging and what amounted to bullying. One particularly delightful soul wished an unborn baby dead. Yeah...so 40 pages on and still no proof of financial chicanery but a lot of personal details being published about minor children and their life/ routines etc. 

I can’t help myself so I posted the above. And got promptly banned.

 I’m pretty proud to be honest, who wants to be part of such an unhealthy group or so unhappy with yourself you need to try and destroy a family? I mean I’ve known a few girls like that in real life and my advice is the same to them as the keyboard warriors.

Treat others how you want to be treated. If you can’t be cute, stay mute. And don’t say anonymously what you won’t say to someone’s face.


The mean girls I’ve known in real life have always seemed to get their comeuppance- karma is like that. I suspect the same rules apply online too.


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